Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Days of Color Photography Challenge

I am taking another class from Tracy Clark at Big Picture Classes. This is a little harder than the last one. I am certainly learning a lot about different types of color. Some of the pictures have been a challenge for me but here is what I have. Again, I will keep adding to the blog until I have all 30 pictures done.

Day one is "What is your color bliss?" What colors make you happy? These are the colors that make up most of the decoration of my home but I took this picture of the table decorations at our catered dinner for the Wallace family reunion

Day 2 is Iconic color. Colors that you associated with some brand or something. I wanted to do Reeses, and have bought some but they didn't last long enough for me to get a picture

Day 3 is capturing color transition. This poppy opened up completely by the afternoon after I took this picture in the morning

Day 4 is Technicolor merriment. I saw this in my neighbors front yard

Day 5 is comfort colors. Tracey's picture was her jeans. I cheated on this one because I (my husband) took this picture in Aruba, but it shows my comfort colors in two ways. Red is the decor of my home and I wear skirts and sandals all summer long just for the comfort

Day 6 is white on white

Day 7 is the yummiest color in your kitchen

Day 8- something colorful just begging to be photographed

Day 9 is color with texture

Day 10 is the tools we use to create color

Day 11 is Red and Pink

Day 12 is dots

Day 13 is ordinary colors

Day 14 is the tools we use

Day 15 is fun colors

Day 16 is Blue. 

Day 17 is back lighting color. This picture turned out to have a lot of color even though I caught a part of the sun in it

Day 18 are the colors you wear everyday. I like to look as natural as possible and this is the only make-up I ever wear

Day 19 are selective framing (where you get only pieces of the picture) and soft colors

Day 20 is corrugated color

Day 21 is ambient colors. I had high hopes for this one, but I never got around to doing what I planned. Instead I just grabbed this shot when we where having a marshmallow roast outside

Day 22 is to be inspired by another photographer

Day 23 is a color phrase like "tickled pink"

Day 24 is book inspiration

Day 25 is Metal

Day 26 is Whimsy- My mother-in-law made this quilt for us

Day 27 is to antique a picture- My first Peonies

Day 28 is happy colors- my first Lilly's of this kind. My flowers do make me happy

Day 29 is a sunset

Day 30 is color collage 

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