Saturday, May 14, 2011

Picture Spring- 30 Days of Spring Photography Challenge

I am taking this great class from Tracy Clark at that is the 30 Days of Spring. Each day I get a challenge and a picture idea for a different kind of Spring Picture. I am really loving it, though I'm a little behind. I will add pictures as I get them done. I think she is going to do 30 days of Summer, Fall and Winter also. I can't wait. The class is only $30 which I think is great for online classes. I highly recommend it!

Day 1- The beginning of Something

Day 2- The beginning of your day

Day 3- Take 30 steps in any direction and take a picture. I went out the front door

Day 4 is clouds

Day 5 is shooting from ground level

Day 6 is a self portrait

Day 7 is pastel colors

Day 8- Water droplets

Day 9- Spring cleaning

Day 10 is Catchlights

Day 11 is hearts

Day 12 is awakenings

Day 13- Seeing Spring through someone else's eyes. The first weekend we had that was nice, Joseph was out of here. I had four people bring him back to me in 2 days

Day 14- Blurring your photograph to make it look more like a painting

Day 15 is going back into the archives. I found this from 2009

Day 16 is Shadows. I chanced upon this shadow of me taking the picture of my son's Eagle Project that was digging out tree rings and mulching for our cemetery. There were 400 trees at this cemetery and so they were only supposed to do certain ones, but when they saw this grave, the boys wanted to do this one too. They took great care with it! 

Day 17 is Spring Fabric

Day 18 is grass

Day 19 is the Written Word- This is from one of my favorite books. It's called "Mrs. Sharps Traditions" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. It's all about Mothering and Domesticity from the Victorian age. It's a delightful book

Day 20 is Backlighting

Day 21 is Circles 

Day 22 is vivid hues- this is not very original but this poppy bloomed today and it's the first one I have ever grown and so I am proud of myself!

Day 23 is a project you are working on- This is my Project Life by Becky Higgins or taking a picture a day for the entire year. I still have to embellish the journaling cards with stamps and stickers that came with the kit

Day 24 is doubles- Here I have a pair of pairs

Day 25- Using another photograph as your inspiration. I liked Tracey's self portrait with a favorite saying 

Day 26- It's dandelion season!

Day 27 was a different shape. Tracey's example was celery but I had to do these cherries even though we already did circles because I have been craving them and eating them whenever possible

Day 28- a charm or favorite piece of jewelry with a story. This is Abby's YW recognition necklace. It took her four years to earn it 

Day 29- a bouquet of flowers

Day 30 was this Spring gift basket to make and put on someone's door

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