Thursday, July 28, 2011

Some of my favorite Scrapbook pages

These are some favorites from when I worked for Lisa Bearnson and her QVC show. I don't really scrapbook like this anymore. It takes too much time and I feel like Project Life takes care of my scrapbook needs for the most part. Some part of me misses this though. Maybe I will take it up again when I feel I have more time for it.

You can tell that some of these are old by the products we used

I actually use this technique with transparency paper a lot since I often have a lot of pictures that I want to put on a page. I just sew the picture right onto the transparency and then sew the whole thing to the page

When I use old pictures that maybe haven't scanned in very well, I try to use a lot of them at a smaller size

It's amazing what you can do with a sewing machine. The flaps of paper are bent first and then sewn onto the main page

These pages were done for her 10 year celebration at QVC. They asked her friends to do pages for her and then they were put into a scrapbook for her. I scanned these in so the edges are cut off, but each rectangle has a flap or pocket that opens and has a special note from me

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