Beautiful Winter Sunsets
My new 50mm lens
Conference hotel view- Park City
Joseph playing in the snow
Rex is bored again
Icicles outside the back of my house
A sweet lady brings us dinner
Abby's ceramics class pieces
Joseph turns 7
Reading scriptures at 6:15 am- even Joseph sometimes joins us
Happy Valentines Day!
Abby and Braxton Berry at the Etiquette Dinner
I don't know what I was thinking! I hate sewing but I couldn't find any new cute skirts for the cruise
Anna's first Rugby game in St. George
They don't like riding their bikes in the winter but I say it's good for them. It'll toughen them up a bit
Anna drew this for an English project. They read "A Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khalid Hosseini
This is how I handle my travel pictures when I have so many
Wow! nice new lens and nice sketch Anna! :)