Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Washington DC

October 2009- I don't know how I missed this one. While David went to his conference, I played. Even though we had been to Washington DC so many times when we lived in Philadelphia, we always seemed to go to the same places over and over again. This time I really got to explore places I hadn't been to. It was awesome!

We visited the National Cathedral

We took the Subway

David waiting for the train

Gigantic gay rally at the Capital!

Some tourists will do anything

We toured the Captial building but Congress was not in session.

Washington Monument

We tried Basque food

I took a tour of Mount Vernon. Something I had missed when we lived in Philadelphia

It was my favorite place in the whole world

I can see why it was Washington's too

Washington's Tomb

Historic Christ Church- where Washington went to church. There was a film crew there from Utah doing a PBS special on Washington

Arlington National Cemetery- At the eternal flame a lady grabbed my arm and asked me if I was a Kennedy. She was so disappointed when I said no. She said "well are you at least from the East then?" and I had to say no. At least she didn't ask me if I was a Democrat.

Iwo-Jima monument. Iwould highly recommend the movie with John Wayne. All the yellow jackets are veterans. There are not too many left. Our bus clapped for them when they went by.

I toured the Pentagon also. You can see the repaired stone from 9-11 in the middle

I took a walking photo tour. Now that was fun!

The White House

Good old Albert

Vietnam Memorial

Korean Memorial

The Photography instructor took this one

Springtime Fun

April 2010- Just out having fun with my new camera and the blossems. I am always learning.

Easter Fun

cousins Cheyenne and Krista







Back at the Y

Sooo Joseph!

Joseph doing his thing again


Y is for "the Y"

Monday, August 30, 2010

I got my new Canon Mark II!- Photography Class Photos

February, 2010- We finally decided to go ahead and get me my new camera. I just wanted a used Canon 5D since I didn't plan on going professional, but David wanted me to have a new one and so we bought the Mark II. I just wish we had decided to do it before we went on the Mexican Riviera Cruise. Oh well. These are the best pictures from the rest of my photography class.

Frozen fountains at the Zermatt Resort in Heber City

We learned how to add textures. I didn't think too hard about this one and did it in about 10 minutes. Some people loved it and some didn't. I meant it to be artsy.

My niece Lilly- This one was about catch-lights

Megan- more catch lights

We learned some fun photoshop stuff


Flash photography- we learned how to bounce our flash off back and side walls and the ceiling

Side wall


Back wall

Back wall